Dawn is in denial

What’s that you say?

Dawn is in denial.

Well, she can swim can’t she?

What do you mean she can swim, gramps?

She’s in da Nile you said, she only
has to holla and they get her out.

Who will?

The Egyptians!! No good denying the
obvious. Just listen to what I say,
good grief, the #*@#* yoots of today,
attention span of gnats.

I said “denial”, oh nevermind, forget it.

Denial of spaghetti?

No, I said forget it, gramps.

Oh, that old chestnut again is it,
let me tell you there’s no denial on my part,
you know I’m allergic to pasta.

I’m saying nothing.

*Yoots – ref to “My cousin Vinny*

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